Skincare tips for blackhead removal

Give blackheads the boot with these 5 steps to blemish-free skin

Listen, people say blackheads and acne.  pop up at the worst possible times. But for reals, when exactly is a good time for these nasty little surprises to make an appearance of your precious face? The answer is pretty much never. That's why we're here to help you sort out how to get rid of blackheads with minimal fuss.


What are blackheads?

Blackheads are small dark bumps caused by clogged hair follicles. While they're commonly (and, perhaps, most devastatingly) found on your face, they can also be found throughout most parts of your torso and head. Basically, if it's above your waist, it's got a chance to be a blackhead bunker.


Why do you get blackheads?

So, how in the heck do your hair follicles get clogged? Well, it's got to do with a little something called sebum. You might be familiar with this oil if you've ever had to deal with oily, greasy hair. If you aren't, here's the lowdown: your body produces an oil called sebum in itty bitty hair follicles around your body. This oil is good, in that it helps keep your skin soft. But super tiny dead skin cells and flakes and excess oil can collect in the holes from which the sebum is secreted. These collections can form comedo bumps. There's nothing comedic about these bad boys, though. When exposed to air, they turn black – and thus, blackheads are born.


5 Tips for getting rid of blackheads

Ready for some major blackhead removal? Say sayonara to these SOBs by following these five (plus one) simple steps:



Cleansing your skin takes care of a lot of the dirty work. You'll want to find a cleanser with exfoliating properties that will help gently scrape away the excess sebum and dead skin, as well as makeup and other daily debris that can gum up your follicles. Give something like Comfort Zone's active pureness gel cleanser a go, as it goes tough on the nasty stuff while remaining gentle on your skin.




Toning isn't just for the gym, friends. A trusted toner is a key part of any skincare routine that targets blackheads on your nose and the rest of your face. This is like one final sweep that gets rid of the day's dirt. As above, Comfort Zone active pureness toner and its delicate exfoliating power is one of the best lotions or creams for blackhead removal out there. Meanwhile, HydroPeptide clarifying toner pads include a delightful bit of witch hazel that casts a pore-perfecting spell on your skin.



No tricks here. Once your skin is pristinely cleaned post cleanse and tone, it's treatment time. There are so many great options that can help you with blackheads removal that it's almost hard to go wrong. Just 10 minutes with Comfort Zone active pureness mattifying clay mask can suck out excess sebum before it builds up. Target nose blackhead removal with strips or masks like the HydroPeptide bambusa blackhead banisher. And prepare your face to get the most out of your moisturiser (more on that in a sec) with the help of a serum or purifying aid such as Thalgo intense regulating concentrate.



One of your trustiest mates the best skincare for blackheads removal is salicylic acid. A great way to make sure you're getting enough of this keen helper into your body is by topping your regimen off with a product that includes it, such as HydroPeptide AquaBoost oil-free face moisturizer.



Keeping other parts of your body, like your hair and hands, can be just as important as directly treating your skin. By doing so, you'll lessen the likelihood for your fingers and locks transmitting oils and debris onto your face and other areas.


Bonus tip: Eat right

You are what you eat. And while you're not going to wake up as a basket of hot chips or a bucket of fried chicken, oily, greasy food can do a number on your skin. Try to make sure you're getting some fruit and veg into you, and make sure you're drinking enough water to ensure your skin's natural moisture levels stay on point.


Now that you know now to remove nose blackheads and other blemishes around your body, you're well on your way to winning the blackhead battle. Check out all the ways Oz Hair & Beauty can help today.

posted by

Emily Fausset on November 15, 2020

